Our Awareness & Mindset programs help you address your actions, practices and thoughts that lie underneath your habits and lifestyle. Emotional or stress eating, Unable to control portions, obsessing about your weight or workouts are all symptoms of something deeper.
Our programs aim to use science and spirituality. They combine hard facts about what we currently know about brain and body function along with compassion and self awareness. We are here to shatter the misconceptions around discipline and motivation which are currently the most popular tools for success in Fitness.
Awareness is a key component of any journey. And Fitness is no different. That is why Kinetic Living, since 2012, has focused on helping its students maximise their physical quoteint and gradually develop their self awareness. Read more about the philopshy here. The last 2 years have taught us that mental and emotional well being is as important as physical fitness for OVERALL health.
Urmi, our founder has her signature frameworks that you can apply. They are designed in a way to help you customize your actions as per YOUR goals, limitations and vision.